Effects in Elm ( Cmd msg )
Algebraic Data Type
Algebraic Data Type
The Elm Architecture. In 0.17, it was common and recommended to nest modules and wire up their init/update/view to each parent. I call these TEA modules.
The helpful butler who knows a bunch of useful FP things, so named to avoid namespace conflicts with other popular modules that uses Helper as a top level module name.
A record containing all static domain data such as enums, insurance products, users etc... which are downloaded at login. Lookup is useful for displaying friendly string representations of ids and such for dropdown selections and business data.
A reference to Dwarf Fortress where 'losing is fun'. Much in a similar vein, extensible records can get very confusing very quickly.
Single Page Applications
Code listing
module Alfred.Logic exposing (..)
{-| Alfred does logic. Specifically, these should not be dependant on any types.
{-| when the predicate is true, transform the data
when : Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
when predicate f x =
if predicate then
f x
unless : Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
unless predicate =
when (not predicate)
{-| Adds element to list if it's not nothing
maybeAddToList : Maybe a -> List a -> List a
maybeAddToList couldBe list =
case couldBe of
Just is ->
is :: list
_ ->
appendWhen : Bool -> a -> List a -> List a
appendWhen pred newItem list =
if pred then
list ++ [ newItem ]
appendMap : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> List b -> List b
appendMap f maybeA list =
case maybeA of
Just value ->
list ++ [ f value ]
Nothing ->
prependWhen : Bool -> a -> List a -> List a
prependWhen pred newItem list =
if pred then
newItem :: list
combinePredicates : List (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool)
combinePredicates allPreds =
\a -> List.all (\pred -> pred a) allPreds
module Components.Wizard
( Wizard
, back
, hasBackStep
, hasNextStep
, init
, makeStep
, next
, position
, validate
, view
, withCondition
, withInit
import Alfred
import Alfred.ZipList as ZipList exposing (ZipList)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Job exposing (Job)
import Maybe.Extra
type alias Wizard oz msg =
{ steps : ZipList (Step oz msg)
type alias Step state msg =
{ validStep : state -> Bool
, init : state -> ( state, Job msg )
, view : state -> Html msg
, validate : state -> List String
{-| Goto the next step in the wizard.
next : state -> Wizard state msg -> ( Wizard state msg, state, Job msg )
next state model =
case nextStep state model of
Nothing ->
Alfred.say "Trying to move next however, no more valid steps." "" ( model, state, Job.init )
Just wizardNextStep ->
currentStep wizardNextStep
|> Maybe.Extra.unwrap ( state, Job.init ) (\step -> step.init state)
|> (\( state, job ) -> ( wizardNextStep, state, job ))
{-| Goto back a step in the wizard.
back : state -> Wizard state msg -> ( Wizard state msg, state, Job msg )
back state model =
case backStep state model of
Nothing ->
Alfred.say "Trying to move back however, no more valid steps." "" ( model, state, Job.init )
Just wizardBackStep ->
currentStep wizardBackStep
|> Maybe.Extra.unwrap ( state, Job.init ) (\step -> step.init state)
|> (\( state, job ) -> ( wizardBackStep, state, job ))
currentStep : Wizard state msg -> Maybe (Step state msg)
currentStep =
.steps >> ZipList.current
hasNextStep : state -> Wizard state msg -> Bool
hasNextStep state model =
Maybe.Extra.isJust <| nextStep state model
hasBackStep : state -> Wizard state msg -> Bool
hasBackStep state model =
Maybe.Extra.isJust <| backStep state model
nextStep : state -> Wizard state msg -> Maybe (Wizard state msg)
nextStep state ({ steps } as model) =
zipListNextStep =
ZipList.forward steps
nextStepIsValid =
|> ZipList.current
|> Maybe.Extra.unwrap False (\f -> f.validStep state)
case ( ZipList.position steps, nextStepIsValid ) of
( ZipList.End, _ ) ->
( _, True ) ->
Just { model | steps = zipListNextStep }
( _, False ) ->
nextStep state { model | steps = zipListNextStep }
backStep : state -> Wizard state msg -> Maybe (Wizard state msg)
backStep state ({ steps } as model) =
zipListBackStep =
ZipList.backward steps
backStepIsValid =
|> ZipList.current
|> Maybe.Extra.unwrap False (\f -> f.validStep state)
case ( ZipList.position steps, backStepIsValid ) of
( ZipList.Start, _ ) ->
( _, True ) ->
Just { model | steps = zipListBackStep }
( _, False ) ->
backStep state { model | steps = zipListBackStep }
position : state -> Wizard state msg -> ZipList.Position
position state wizard =
if backStep state wizard == Nothing then
else if nextStep state wizard == Nothing then
makeStep : (state -> Html msg) -> (state -> List String) -> Step state msg
makeStep =
makeStep_ (always True) (\s -> ( s, Job.init ))
withInit : (state -> ( state, Job msg )) -> Step state msg -> Step state msg
withInit init step =
{ step | init = init }
withCondition : (state -> Bool) -> Step state msg -> Step state msg
withCondition pred step =
{ step | validStep = pred }
makeStep_ : (state -> Bool) -> (state -> ( state, Job msg )) -> (state -> Html msg) -> (state -> List String) -> Step state msg
makeStep_ =
init : List (Step state msg) -> Wizard state msg
init listOfSteps =
{ steps = ZipList.fromList listOfSteps }
view : state -> Wizard state msg -> Html msg
view model wizard =
Maybe.Extra.unwrap (Html.text "Error: The Wizard has disappeared!") (\{ view } -> view model) (ZipList.current wizard.steps)
validate : state -> Wizard state msg -> List String
validate model wizard =
Maybe.Extra.unwrap [] (\{ validate } -> validate model) (ZipList.current wizard.steps)